i was in the middle of something else this weekend. we went for a nice hike and i recorded it. that is to say, i hung a microphone off of the back of the baby carrier backpack and got some interesting sounds. the thought was to pursue a soundscape and do some things that are reminiscent of some of my older pieces. exciting stuff.
then i got an email from a friend that had some not so great news in it. he said he was feeling really empty as a result and that tugged at my imagination. the sketch that i’m putting up tonight is the result. free association is good creative fodder and the work that i put in tonight keeps me honest.
i really want a new post every thursday with something tangible. people are downloading stuff (or so my stats would say) so it seems like my plan is working. you know, that plan to get people to listen to my music? yeah, that one.
take a listen. drop me a line if you’re so inclined or break out of the mold and leave a comment. nobody ever does that. what’s the deal?
thanks for listening!
sketch 12-feb-2009 by j.c. wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.othertime.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://othertime.com.