We abandoned The National Parks on PBS. It was wrecking the routine of the house and with a resident two year old, that’s a non-starter. It’s a brilliant film (so far) and I maintain that Ken Burns is a brilliant documentary film maker. We’ll just have to pick it up later so that we can have some sanity around bed time.
Which we promptly did not get last night. Instead of going to sleep like a good little boy, he screamed and followed me into my studio. I got the message after a few minutes that recording wasn’t going to be an option so I went with a little listening, editing, and writing. I turned the lights down and wrote in one of my journals for a while. Mostly some admirable attempts at awful poetry. Writing helps me listen.
There are nine tracks that are awfully tasty, in my opinion. I’ll try to add two more (if they fit) and then master it up. Release still looks like November, but I would really like to move it up. I’m proud of this collection. It feels good to say that.
I’m reading a lot of blogs by creative people and most of them are making the same mistake. At the end of a post they’ll pull the old Slashdot routine of “how do you handle this problem?” It’s a way to prompt a discussion and I get that, but I don’t know that the forum is quite right. Blog comments are great but I think that for the most part people are writing in the style of Op-Ed journalism or something more personal that might not be the greatest start for a discussion. My only evidence for that is the number of “really great article! Keep it up!” comments I see. I guess I haven’t closed comments here for the couple of dozen readers so perhaps I should let it go?
There are also things I’m not reading any more. I love and hate Merlin Mann. That said, he has posted some things lately that are dead on. He mentioned that every minute spent reading a site about productivity or trying out a TODO application is time that could have been spent getting something done. So-called “productivity porn” is getting out of hand. I’m done with it. If I am going to waste time online it will be on the good stuff and not learning what the latest notecard hack is. Freaks.
Vacation is over and I’m back on track. Music soon.