my musical output has been all over the map lately. the last few tunes that i’ve cranked out have been things that i really enjoy hearing over and over. and that’s unusual for me with my own music. i think i’ve transitioned myself to making music that i want to hear and play. something to experience. and i wonder if that’s a weird sort of feedback loop…or worse.
in any case, i really like this new one. it’s been stuck in my head for at least two weeks and now that i have a halfway decent recording of it (though still quite rough around the edges) i’m quite pleased with myself and i can move on to re-recording an older tune that never quite gelled due to the arrangement, i think.
so here it is: waiting game.
i like it and i’m thinking of expanding it to a full fledged duo for guitar. so i’ll treat this as a song/sketch for now. i do like it.
the working title for the new collection is testing 1…2…3… mostly because i know i won’t use it and it helps me organize things on my ipod.
and speaking of the ipod, i’ve decided that it is my most useful tool. i keep my sketches and nightly excursions on it. whatever i do in the evening, i mix down quickly in ardour and throw into audacity. there, i trim in up and turn it into an mp3 so i can pop it on the ipod. then i can listen to it in the car or at my desk. low quality car audio with noisy traffic and headphones at the office are the new concert halls. i also get it mixed in with other tunes so i can get a feel for how people will “find” my music in eclectic collections.