There are still a couple of weeks until the bits and pieces that will be my next guitar building project arrive. In the mean time, another project that has been on the list for a long, long time has presented itself yet again but at exactly the right moment for execution. Last night a box containing 10 random wooden cigar boxes showed up on the doorstep. Six or so of them would make excellent cigar box guitars. Building one has come up so often that my wife has quit responding to my thinking aloud on the topic. Personally, I think they make a great project on many levels.
First, it’s a musical instrument. Aside from playing one is there a better use of one’s time than building an instrument? I would argue that there is not. Playing, building, listening. All great things to do with musical instruments.
Second, they’re inexpensive to make and thus allow for greater experimentation with far less risk. It’s a box with a stick attached. I can get all kinds of wild with that without worrying about ruining an excellent piece of quartersawn mahogany.
Third, the construction is simple and can be done while watching a little boy in the garage. I won’t have to use the loud saw that he hates and time with the belt sander will be limited.
Finally, I think they’d make excellent gifts. I would love to make a few and just give ’em away to friends. I know a lot of people who make music and a novel object like this one might give someone a kick.
I have a couple of cabinets to finish up this weekend but I’m going to try and squeak out one instrument for giggles. I’m nothing if not ambitious with my weekend time.
As far as recording goes, things are in good shape. The minute that I decided not to pump out a track per week I came up with something in a single hammer stroke that is simple and beautiful. This augurs well for the EP project. More on that as it develops.